US Airways East Pilots Push Closer Towards a Potential Divorce with ALPA


Tuesday the US Airline Pilots Association (USAPA) said that it had formally asked the National Mediation Board to call a representational election.

USAPA President Stephen Bradford said his group has collected more than 3,000 signatures out of about 5,300 pilots working for the airline.

As most of you are aware, this splinter-group based effort is a direct outgrowth of the ALPA seniority decision that was issued last May.

The decision, which was made according to established ALPA procedure, nonetheless did not sit well with many US Airways East pilots, and this move to sever ties with ALPA is the result.

Meanwhile, negotiations on a new contract for the US Airways’ pilot group continue to go nowhere. As of last week, there were no new negotiations scheduled, as the US Airways East pilot group continues to refuse to meet with management. The US Airways East group has told management at US Airways that it wants to negotiate a separate interim agreement that would guarantee them pay parity with the America West pilot group — before negotiations are completed on a new contract for all pilots.

US Airways has said — no way.

So, as the old America West pilot group cannot negotiate without participation from the US Airways East group — things remain at a standstill.

What a mess.

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