Crude Closes at $83.32

Jet Fuel Aviation Kerosene Colonial Grade 54 Jp1A 70 Mio Bl

Throw in a Gulf of Mexico storm to the existing market concern over lower crude inventory levels and here you go. Oil was up a whopping $1.39 today.

Gasoline was also up. Unleaded gained 4 cents on the day to $2.14. (Remember this is a raw number, without taxes or anything else added to it.)

Because today is the day we do the weekly energy numbers for PlaneBusiness Banter as well, here is a treat —  updated jet fuel numbers. Gulf Coast jet fuel closed up 3.5% this week to $2.34 a gallon, with New York jet fuel closed at $2.39, up 2% on the week.

Same caveat to the jet fuel prices. These numbers are “raw” numbers.